New Releases

What if... The Emperor Had Seeded This Universe To Avert A Losing Scenario Against The Hive Mind

What If... The Emperor Could Create A Universe Whilst On The Golden Throne

What If... The Emperor Was Alive In The Animatrix On The Golden Throne

Exclusive Lore Videos About The Emperor

What If... The Emperor Came Back To Life

What If... The Emperor Was Real

What If...

What If...

What If...

What If...

Exclusive Lore Videos About Secret Chapters

What If... Grey Enterprises Was Part Of The Grey Knights Secret Chapter

What If... Grey Enterprises Became So Big That It Was Just Known As The Enterprise

What If... The Enterprise In Star Trek Originally Started As Grey Enterprises

What If...

What If...

What If...

Exclusive Lore Videos About Necrons (Full Bodycrons)

What If... Machine CIty 01 Was Real

What If... The Necrons Owned Machine City And We Were Seeded By Them

What If... The Humans Were Seeded By The Necrons And Called The Bleeding Necrons

What If...

What If...

What If...

Exclusive Lore Videos About Chaos

What If... The Grim Dark Got Even Darker

What If... Horus Had A Plan To Become A Super Chaos God

What If... It Got So Dark That The Next 10,000 Years Became Known As Must Dark

What If... Horus Came Back In The Age Of Haunted Dark

What If...

What If...

Exclusive Lore Videos About The Full Bodycrons

What If... The Necrontyr Was Only The Neck Of A Much Bigger Machine The Necrons Were Building

What If... The Necrons Already Knew The Next 10 Million Years Of Events

What If...

What If...

What If...

What If...

Exclusive Lore Videos About Tyranids

What If... The Tyranids Were Just a Hybrid Between Tyranitar & Nidoran

What If... There Was A Stream Of Hybrids About To Come Through The Milky Way Galaxy

What If... Only The Necrons Knew About It

What If...

What If...

What If...

Exclusive Lore Videos About T'au

What If... The T'au Were Doomed

What If... The T'au'va God Was Related To Shiva

What If...

What If...

What If...

What If...

Exclusive Lore Videos About The Chaos Gods

What If... Each Primarch Led To The Birth Of Another Chaos God

What If... The Emperor Had A Plan And Knew That Each Primarch Would Lead To A New Chaos God

What If...

What If...

What If...

What If...

Exclusive Lore Videos About How The Chaos Gods Calculate

What If... You Could Understand The Chaos God Nurgle With Flies

What If... You Could Understand The Chaos God Slaanesh With Fanes

What If... You Could Understand The Chaos God Khorne With Skulls

What If... You Could Understand The Chaos God Tzeentch With Eyes

What If... You Could Understand The Chaos God (Frozen) With Ice

What If...

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